A Guy’s Guide to Hooking up on GirlLookup

A couple enjoys a romantic evening with wine in a stylish indoor restaurant setting.

Gentlemen, you know what we’re talking about. Chances are, GirlLookup isn’t your first dating app, and at this point, you’ve learned one indelible fact of the universe: there are a lot of guys out there, vying for the attention of not a whole lot of women.

Even though we tried as hard as we could to weed out any guesswork with GirlLookup and get you chatting as soon as possible with our in-app tools, the old rules still apply when it comes to that all important first impression. Making yourself stand out is key. But how?

Step 1: Choose your picture wisely.

We’ve talked about this in another post, but choosing your picture is paramount. You want to look good of course, so pick the picture that you and all your friends agree is the best, and you’re off to a good start. But make sure the picture gives some subtle clues about who you are: are you a sports nut? Wear a jersey. Do you like going out, and are looking for someone who does too? Pull up that amazing shot from your friend’s bachelor party. Let the picture help tell your story.

Step 2: Swipe right.

Here’s the truth. In real life, women are much more able to take their pick of potential hookups than guys are. But don’t let your feathers get ruffled. Instead, don’t get into the habit of swiping left too often. The more you swipe right on women who aren’t your Perfect 10, the more likely it is to get a match. Especially if you live in a bigger city with lots of people, we promise you: you will get more matches this way (you can’t get matched with anyone unless you both swipe right, and what do you have to lose?).

Step 3: Now, be picky.

The more you swipe right, the more matches you’re likely to get. When the messages start flowing in, you have to act fast — remember, GirlLookup only keeps a match for a few hours before they’re gone forever — but this will give you a chance to consider someone who already thinks your hot enough to swipe right on.

Step 4: Start talking.

Text, audio, video, whatever you prefer — GirlLookup has all the tools you need to get started in-app, so you can get the feel of a match without having to share your number.

If you come off as friendly, you’re off to a good start. But remember — neither of you is on here to learn the other’s life story, so get to the point pretty quickly. Here’s a solid starter conversation:

Hey! Saw that we matched up here. I’m Matt.

hey matt! Im sasha.

Nice to meet your Sasha. I hope you don’t mind if I say that you’re very attractive.

? thank you. Youre not so bad yourself. ?

Thank you. I try to stay hydrated.


What are you up to? I just got home from work but was thinking of going out for a drink.

Im in the middle of a class right now. But ill be out in 45 minutes.

Where do you go to school? I’d love to hear about what you’re studying.

nursing at the college

Cool, that’s only 4 miles from me. You know O’Leary’s?

yeah I go there sometimes.

Want to meet there in an hour? First rounds on me. ?


Boom. Done. That whole conversation took five minutes, but you still managed to find out a little about each other. At least you’ll have something to talk about for the first few minutes, and by then, you’ll know for sure.

Step 5: Good luck.

The ball’s in your court now, amigo. Glad we could be of service. Now go off and have a good time, you two. Stay safe.

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