We don’t want to tell you how to play your game. Everyone’s got their own approach, so far be it from us to dispense advice in the art of romance.
That being said, we kind of know our stuff when it comes to the particular nuances of dating online. Needless to say, we’ve gathered quite a few pointers, which we’ll be more than happy to throw your way.
1. Choose your photo carefully…
On a lot of dating apps (and this is especially true with GirlLookup), you only get one shot to make an impression — literally. The photo someone sees of you is a big deal in snagging that all-important first impression, so make it sing.
If you’re a newbie to the art of composition, an easy way to ensure a good selfie is to sit next to a window and let the light hit the side of your face. The result will be dramatic and somewhat professional, even if the photographer is just your own outstretched arm. Granted, it’s possible you already have that one picture of yourself that you just really, really love. Whatever the case, make sure the image shows more than a pretty face — make it reflect your style preferences (how you’re dressed, makeup) Also, if you’ve got a hobby or passion (motorcycles?), try to work that into the shot. Get creative, and don’t be afraid to let loose — if you’re having fun in the picture, that’ll come across to people swiping left or right.
2. …and avoid these photo faux pas.
Group shots? Out. You know that YOU hate it when you’re trying to figure out which person is which in a picture full of strangers, so spare the suffering. Same goes for pics where your face is covered up. You might think you’re being artsy, or mysterious, or whatever, but potential matches aren’t gonna know that. They’ll just think you’re trying to hide something, and that’s always a meh way to start off. Stick to the selfie, and you can’t fail.
3. Get a Second Opinion

We hate to keep harping on the photo end of things, but you know what we’re talking about here. Photo = Important. So don’t be the only judge here. Tell some of your friends that you’re checking out this sweet new hookup app, and “Does this make me look good?” Tell them to be brutal; if you can’t trust your friends, who can you trust?
4. Have a Kickin’ Opening Line
So, you’re just kinda swiping around on the screen, when suddenly, ping — you’ve got a match. You check the other person out, and they seem… yeah. I’ll talk to this person. You text “hi.” They text “hey.” And fireworks go off! Right? … No.
We’re not saying you have to throw out a lame pickup line or anything, but have a sentence in mind that shows who you are. Something that lets your personality shine through and actually starts a conversation will get noticed way more than “hey howr u?” If you need some help, check out our other blog entry where we cover intro lines. You’ll be a Casanova in no time.
5. Keep an Open Mind
When you’re getting to know someone, just go with the flow. In a person-to-person conversation, you get a lot of your first impression from the small stuff: body language, mannerisms, that type of thing. On the internet, that all needs to come across on a screen. So cut others a break on polite awkwardness, and don’t be afraid to talk about things that might be a little outside of your comfort zone. What have you got to lose?
6. Play It Safe
It sounds like a no brainer, but keep your personal information close. Phone number, last name, address, the name of the place you work — this is all info that people can use to find you in real life. Sure, hooking up is the point eventually, but consider this a friendly ‘80s PSA: be careful when you’re talking to strangers. Once you get to know each other a little and start feeling comfortable? Start leaking some details.
This goes for the other person as well. Someone who shares your own level of caution is much more likely to have similar experiences and preferences as you, and is probably going to have a similar comfort zone as you do.
MUST READ: Top 10 Tips for a Safe Hookup
7. Use Your Tech
Shameless plug: Lucky has a whole suite of in-app services that can keep you in touch with your match, while not requiring you to share a shred of your contact information. Texting, photos, video, voice memos, cam chats, you name it. No pressure to keep a dead-end conversation going; just stop talking if you want, and be as anonymous as you want.
8. Be Flexible
Some of us are attracted to the challenge of getting to know a new person. Others are still testing the waters, and aren’t sure it’s for them. Some people just want to have a good time. You know… kinda like dating in real life!
It’s easy to be impersonal online, or shy, or not yourself, or pushy, or whatever. But treat people you meet here with the same kind of respect you’d treat someone you just met at Starbucks, and you’ll be good. Compromise is what we’re talking about — are you comfortable to meet at their place, but they prefer to meet at a mall? Finding something that works for both of you is a cinch if you just talk about it.
9. Keep Coming Back
So many people download dating apps, use them for an hour, and never come back. Which is kind of a mistake. Everyone has a different schedule, and only a fraction of users near you are online at any given moment. When you download a dating app, try to go into it committed to using it for a week, at least, a couple of times a day. We promise your chances of finding someone who matches up will skyrocket.
10. Have Fun!
Remember, this isn’t a game where there are winners and losers. If you want to hook up, it’s probably because you want to have a great time with another person, and want them to have a great time, too. So enjoy yourself!